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Mobile Apps October 5, 2023

Enterprise Mobile Application Development: How to Build A Robust App

Written by Vishal Shah


Enterprise Mobile App Development


As it’s no secret building apps for big companies or enterprise mobile app development, is really important nowadays with everyone using technology. Businesses are changing from old ways to new digital methods, and mobile apps are a big part of this change. They make things easy, flexible, and user-friendly. Developing a strong and scalable enterprise mobile app is a complex task; it needs careful planning, designing, and making.

The app has to meet business goals and should be user-friendly, working smoothly and effectively. A mobile app development company with skills and knowledge is very important in this process. They help in creating apps that are unique, meet quality standards, and provide great value to the users. In this discussion, we will look into various parts of building enterprise mobile apps, giving insights into creating an app that is strong, safe, and focused on the user.

Global Market Overview of Mobile Enterprise Applications

Loads of organizations, of all shapes and sizes, are utilizing versatile applications for work, and this is making the market for these applications develop extremely quick. A new report from Statista says that the cash produced using these applications will develop from $100 billion in 2022 to $200 billion in 2027. That is multiplying in only five years! This development is going on in light of the fact that these applications are truly significant for organizations. They assist with making work more straightforward, keep clients cheerful, and take care of issues rapidly. These applications are turning out to be more famous on the grounds that they are not difficult to utilize and can change as organizations and client needs change. As additional organizations begin utilizing these applications, they are having an impact on the manner in which organizations plan and work, getting novel thoughts and making organizations act quicker, which are all making the market for these applications develop worldwide.

2023 Key Statistics Summary

The valuation of the global mobile enterprise application market is poised to reach approximately USD 600 billion in 2023.

It is projected that more than 70% of enterprises globally will incorporate mobile enterprise applications in their operations by 2023.

In terms of deployment models, cloud-based solutions are anticipated to dominate, constituting over 60% of the global mobile enterprise application market in the same year.

With respect to regional markets, the Asia Pacific region stands out as the one with the most rapid growth in the mobile enterprise applications sector in 2023.

Regarding industry utilization, the financial services, retail, and healthcare sectors are foreseen to emerge as the predominant end-users of mobile enterprise applications in 2023.

What is Enterprise Mobile App Development?

Enterprise Mobile App Development means making special mobile apps just for businesses by companies known as Enterprise App Development Companies. Enterprise App Development Company makes apps that help businesses run better by making tasks easier, helping people work together, and improving communication. They use advanced technologies to make secure and strong apps that work well with other business systems and can deal with a lot of data and transactions. These apps help businesses work more efficiently and be more successful.

Types of Enterprise Mobile Applications

Client-Facing Apps: These applications are designed to interact directly with clients, providing them with services, support, and user engagement.

Field Service Apps: These apps help manage and coordinate field operations, including scheduling, route optimization, and inventory management, essential for businesses with on-site service delivery.

Marketing Automation Apps: They facilitate automated marketing processes, helping businesses with inefficient lead generation, client conversion, and overall marketing management.

ERP Apps (Enterprise Resource Planning): These applications integrate core business processes, aiding in the management of day-to-day activities like procurement, project management, and manufacturing.

CRM Apps (Customer Relationship Management): These are vital for managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers, focusing on customer retention and driving sales growth.

SCM Apps (Supply Chain Management): These apps manage the flow of goods, data, and finances related to a product or service from the acquisition of raw materials to the delivery to the customer.

Collaboration Apps: These applications are essential for improving communication and cooperation among employees, enabling them to share information, discuss ideas, and work together more effectively.

Financial Management Apps: They assist businesses in managing their financial transactions, expenses, profits, and other financial aspects efficiently.

Why Does Your Business Need a Modern Enterprise Mobile Application?

Enhanced Productivity

Modern enterprise mobile applications streamline workflow and optimize operations, allowing employees to accomplish tasks more efficiently and effectively, ultimately leading to increased productivity.

Real-time Collaboration

With features like instant messaging and file sharing, these apps facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among team members, enabling real-time decision-making and problem-solving.

Customer Engagement

A mobile app offers a direct channel to engage with customers, providing them with easy access to products, services, and support, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Operational Efficiency

Automating routine tasks and providing employees with access to real-time data enables businesses to reduce operational costs and enhance overall efficiency.

Enhanced Data Collection and Analysis

Modern enterprise apps allow businesses to gather and analyze data more effectively, aiding in more informed decision-making and strategy formulation.

Benefits of Enterprise Mobile Application Development

Benefits of Enterprise Mobile Apps

Incorporating enterprise mobile applications offers a myriad of benefits to businesses, focusing on operational enhancements and improved user experiences. Here are several key benefits:

Automation of Repetitive Manual Tasks

Streamlines workflows by automating tasks, reducing human error, and freeing up employee time for more value-added activities.

Superior Supply Chain Operations

Enhances the efficiency of supply chain operations, ensuring smoother logistics, inventory management, and order processing.

Simplified Employee Onboarding Process

Facilitates quicker and more efficient onboarding of new employees through intuitive apps that provide necessary information and training resources.

Streamlined Data Management

Organizes and manages data efficiently, allowing for easier access and analysis of information.

Minimized Paperwork

Reduces the reliance on paper, thereby decreasing clutter and improving the organization’s environmental footprint.

Improved Customer Experience

Delivers superior customer service through user-friendly interfaces and features, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Seamless Communication

Promotes uninterrupted, clear communication between team members, leading to improved collaboration and productivity.

Enhanced Responsiveness

Allows businesses to respond swiftly to market changes, customer inquiries, and emerging opportunities, maintaining a competitive edge.

What are the challenges of enterprise mobile application development?

Making enterprise mobile apps is hard because there are many different problems to solve.

One problem is making sure the app works well with other company systems and keeps data safe and secure, which is hard because company IT systems can be complicated and different from each other.

Keeping the data safe is really important, especially because mobile devices can be more open to security risks.

Making the app easy to use but also filled with the needed features is also tough.

The apps have to suit different people’s needs and wants, so they need a lot of customization and flexibility.

Following all the rules and standards, especially in areas like finance and healthcare, adds another difficulty level.

With technology always changing, keeping the app updated and working well takes a lot of continuous work and effort.

Solving these problems needs careful planning, skilled people to make the apps, and ongoing help and upkeep.

Aspects to Consider Before Launching a Mobile Enterprise Application Development

Before launching an app, especially one for ordering and delivering food, a lot of things need careful thinking to make sure the app works well and people like it. It’s essential to realize who will utilize the application, what they like, and who else is making comparative applications.

Picking the right sort of mobile platform, making the plan easy to use, and picking the right technology are likewise significant stages prior to sending it off. The application should have the option to develop and deal with additional clients after some time, and it should be protected and keep all regulations to make clients trust it and stay away from any legitimate difficulties.

The team making the app should also make sure that the backend—the part the app users don’t see—is strong and works well because Food Ordering and Delivery App have a lot of transactions and interactions. Testing the app under different conditions is really important to find and fix any problems and to make sure it works well on different devices. Having clear goals, a plan with timings, and a good way to tell people about the app are also key for a successful launch and growth. Thinking carefully about all these things can really affect how well the app is received and how well it can keep up with the changing needs of the food ordering and delivery business.

Must-Have Features of an Enterprise Mobile App

Top Enterprise Mobile Apps Development Features

  1. Voice Assistants
  • Voice Commands: Enable users to navigate, search, and perform actions using voice commands.
  • Speech Recognition: High accuracy in understanding various accents, dialects, and languages.
  1. Cloud-Based Storage and Collaboration
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Allow multiple users to work together in real time using cloud services.
  • Cloud Storage: Provide secure and scalable storage solutions for user data and application data.
  1. Offline Access and Synchronization
  • Local Data Storage: Facilitate access to critical information even without an internet connection.
  • Data Synchronization: Automatic syncing of offline data when the connection is restored.
  1. Mobile IoT Integration
  • Device Connectivity: Enable the app to connect and communicate with various IoT devices.
  • Real-Time Data: Provide real-time data from connected devices for better insights and decision-making.
  1. Integration Capability with Enterprise Systems
  • API Integration: Ensure seamless connection with existing enterprise systems, CRMs, ERPs, etc.
  • Data Consistency: Maintain data uniformity between the app and integrated systems.
  1. User Authentication and Access Control
  • Secure Login: Multi-factor authentication, biometric login, or single sign-on (SSO).
  • Role-Based Access Control: Grant different access levels to users based on their roles within the organization.
  1. Data Security and Encryption
  • Data Encryption: Secure data in transit and at rest using advanced encryption methods.
  • Secure Data Storage: Employ secure containers or sandboxing techniques for data storage.
  1. Customization and Personalization
  • User Profiles: Allow customization of user profiles based on preferences and usage patterns.
  • Personalized Content: Deliver content and features that are tailored to individual users.
  1. Push Notifications
  • Real-Time Alerts: Send immediate notifications for important updates, assignments, or messages.
  • Notification Preferences: Allow users to set preferences for the type and frequency of notifications.
  1. Analytics and Reporting
  • Performance Analytics: Monitor app usage, user engagement, and other significant metrics.
  • Custom Reports: Generate tailored reports to meet user needs and business requirements.
  1. Meeting Compliance and Regulatory Requirements
  • Compliance Management: Ensure the app adheres to relevant industry regulations and standards.
  • Audit Trails: Maintain logs of user activities and transactions for auditing and compliance purposes.

How to Adopt a Modern Approach to Develop Enterprise Mobile App

If businesses want to do well and stay ahead in today’s fast-moving digital world, they must use modern methods to create enterprise mobile apps. This means they should use Mobile Enterprise App Development: A Business Approach to Achieve Results. This approach uses several smart strategies. One, it uses agile methods, focusing on designing apps that users find easy and pleasant to use. Two, it uses advanced technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence) Development and ML (Machine Learning)Development.

Using this approach also means businesses need to research and understand what users need and like. This helps developers make new and user-friendly apps. Another important thing is to use scalable and safe cloud-based solutions. This helps in smoothly combining different elements and giving the best performance on different platforms. It’s also crucial to test the apps continuously and sort out any problems immediately, making sure that the apps are of high quality and reliable.

When businesses use these modern tactics, they can make mobile apps that not only work well and are strong but also meet their business goals and what consumers expect. This way, they can grow their business and achieve great success.

How Inexture Solutions Can Help You Develop a Mobile App for Your Enterprise 

Inexture Solutions is a skilled mobile app development company that makes top-notch, creative mobile apps for businesses. The people at Inexture are very experienced in making apps, and they can create custom solutions that fit a business’s specific needs and goals. They can turn any idea into a working app or make existing ones better, meeting various business needs.

Inexture not only makes apps easy to use and navigate but also includes the newest technologies to stay competitive. They use the latest methods and proven approaches to ensure the delivery of mobile apps that can help improve how a business operates, increase customer interaction, and help the business grow.

Choosing Inexture Solutions for Mobile App Development means getting high-quality, advanced technology, and outstanding support, ensuring the successful creation of the envisioned business mobile app.


Making mobile apps for businesses is very important. It helps businesses give their users easy and helpful solutions and stand out because the digital world is changing fast. It’s very important to make strong, secure apps that can grow and have lots of features to make sure users find them helpful and to meet the different needs of the business. Businesses need Important Facts You Should Know About Enterprise Mobile Application Development apps that help them work better, grow, and stay ahead of competitors. Making an app, from start to end, needs careful attention, knowledge, and a good understanding of what users need and expect. This ensures the making of great mobile apps that help achieve business goals.


How to develop an enterprise mobile app?

Identify business requirements, choose a development method (native, hybrid, web), design UI/UX, select appropriate technology stack, develop the app, conduct testing, address security concerns, deploy, and continuously update and maintain.

What are robust apps?

Robust apps are applications that are reliable, resilient, and able to efficiently handle errors, disruptions, and high loads without failing or producing incorrect results.

What are the 4 development stages of building an app?

The four development stages of building an app are Planning, Design, Development, and Testing.

What is an ERP mobile application?

An ERP mobile application is a portable interface that allows users to access and manage various enterprise resource planning (ERP) functions from a mobile device.

What is the difference between an app and an enterprise app?

An app is usually a software program designed for individual users to perform specific tasks, while an enterprise app is designed to meet the needs and solve the complex problems of an organization, often facilitating multiple users, increased security, and integrations with other enterprise software.

What is the best language to build an ERP App?

There is no “best language” as it depends on various factors like existing infrastructure and specific needs, but many ERP apps are built using Java, C#, or Python.

Writen by Vishal Shah

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