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Python Development January 21, 2021

What Makes Python a famous Software Development Technology?

Written by Dharmesh Patel


Python is quite famous these days to develop any kind of software application, whether it is a web portal, standalone software, data science projects, IoT projects, or anything. You can code anything with Python. That’s why Python Development is getting so popular.

Many Software development companies are already using Python to develop and scale their apps. But why is it the fastest-growing programming language? Why are so many people talking about Python? Why people hire Python developers? Why is it so famous? We will answer all these questions here.

We will discuss some points on what makes Python a famous software development technology in this blog. So, let’s jump into the matter and explore why Python Development is so popular these days!

Why Python is a famous Software Development Technology?

Have you ever wondered why Python is the top priority for people when it comes to developing web apps? Many reasons made Python famous. So, here we will discuss those points that made Python a renowned software development technology.

Python is Open-source

This is the very first advantage that comes to our minds when we think of Python’s benefits. You don’t have to pay any fees or pay for a license to program in Python. Moreover, its all support tools, libraries, and modules are also completely free and will be. So, you have to pay a zero amount to start using Python.

So, you have money when you choose Python Development, and who doesn’t want to save money? Python could be the best choice you make for your software development needs. This is one reason why Python Development is so famous!

Easy to lean and use

Python is easier to learn than most programming languages, and it is also easy to use Python for coding. Any beginner with some basic programming knowledge can learn and code in Python. That’s why it is getting popular amongst Python Developers. It also requires lesser coding, so developers don’t have to write much code, as most functions are already available in Python libraries.

This becomes another reason why Python’s popularity is growing substantially. Simplicity is something everyone loves, and Python has proved its capability by offering simple solutions to businesses.

The Big Data Advantage

The usage of Big Data and IoT has also made Python famous. In fact, Big Data, IoT, and Cloud Computing are the factors that made Python an instant hit. Currently, Python is the most popular language used for data science, and that is one factor why the demand for Python Development companies is increasing day by day.

Moreover, Python programming pays a lot, so many developers are choosing Python Development for monetary benefit as well. So, these factors also affect the popularity of Python development.

Third-party Modules

PyPI – Python Package Index contains third-party modules that make programming easier and faster. This enables the programmer to interact with other languages and platforms proficiently. Those third-party modules help the developer to develop the application at a more rapid pace.

Some functions are too boring or too tricky to develop, and hence using third-party modules is a better way in such cases. It enables faster application deployment and saves development costs. So, this is another reason why Python application development is grossing!

Active Community

We can consider this as one of the best reasons behind any programming language gaining so much popularity. All Python developers voluntarily visit the Python community and help each other solve the errors and bugs they are facing. This makes the community vibrant and beautiful.

If a developer is stuck somewhere, then he/she can post the query on the community, and other developers will voluntarily answer the question and help that fellow solve the error. It is another reason why the Python Developers’ community is getting larger and larger.

So, these are the trends that have made Python a famous programming language across the world. Python already backs many websites, and there will be many more portals, AI systems, software, etc., powered by Python in the future.

As we have seen why Python is gaining popularity, let’s have a look at some famous Python Development frameworks that are used by a lot of companies these days to develop their product.

Famous Python Development Frameworks

So, these are some famous Python Development frameworks that make Python Development more advanced and enable faster development.


Django enables faster project development, and it allows you to create a clean and pragmatic design for your project. Django will come to help you with any Web Development tasks. You can hire Django Developers to build your first web app with Python.


Flask is a famous lightweight framework written in Python. Flask is a micro web framework that has very little or no dependencies on external libraries. It was written for faster and easier use. Flask has the ability to scale up complex web applications.


FastAPI is another Python framework based on standards like OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and OAuth 2.0. It also allows you to write asynchronous code out of the box. FastAPI is slowly gaining popularity and become a famous framework like Django. 

Looking for Python Development Services?

Inexture is a leading Python development company and we work with a pool of experienced developers who are best versed in their respective areas of technology. Our qualified consultants can assist you in getting the best possible results. We have finished numerous Python projects to date for numerous reputable businesses. Simply discuss your needs with us if you’re looking to employ Python developers for your project, and we’ll take care of the rest. You can contact us, drop an email at sales@inexture.comTry us, and let’s talk about your ideas over a cup of tea.

Final Words 

Looking at all these reasons behind Python’s popularity, you must be knowing the power of Python as of now.  This is confirmed that Python is the future of the corporate world. Whether you are a well-known and established firm, a new start-up, or an MSME, Python is useful for all of them. Let’s connect over call and discuss your app ideas. You can also contact us through sales@inexture.com to schedule a free consulting session. So, why not? Contact us and avail a free consulting session on Python Development services today!


  • Why has Python gained such a following in this decade?

Every field has a solution in Python. It is now the most adaptable language and has a promising future. Python is regarded as the best programming language for a wide range of applications. IoT,  game development, application development, web development, big data, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence are some of the key sectors. Python is used extensively in many industries, including banking, healthcare, finance, and the aerospace industry. Many well-known companies have either converted their entire tech stack to Python or have built their apps on the Python programming language.

  • What role does the Python developer community play?

Given that Python has been around for around 30 years, it has a large and productive development community. Through their ongoing support and in-depth articles, these developers are always aiding the newbies. There is a wealth of resources and tutorials available to help novice programmers learn and improve their Python skills. We have observed that a lack of community support prevents the growth of several computer languages. Yet Python is fortunate in this instance. Python’s effectiveness in a variety of technical fields, including data science, machine learning, and data analysis, is another argument in favor of why there is such a huge and vibrant community of Python developers.

  • What career opportunities does Python provide?

What employment possibilities can Python offer?

Python is an extremely flexible language, and if you are proficient in it, you may have access to a wide range of job options. These are a few of the opportunities available: After learning Python, you can start working as a developer. Website development, data algorithm optimization, and clean, effective Python coding are all tasks performed by Python developers. Large data collections must be handled, analyzed, and visualized by a data analyst. This position is perfect for you if you are a Python nerd who enjoys playing with data. Due to a project manager’s significant responsibility for the marketing and sales of the firms, project management is in great demand.

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