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Software Development January 10, 2022

How to use Java in Web Application Development?

Written by Mahipalsinh Rana


We have stepped into the modern world, and the world wide web is a central part of it. With every space getting digitized, the internet has become one of the necessities.

Websites and web pages are one of the primary sources of this. Any person with an internet connection can connect with someone on the opposite side of the world in any corner of the world.

Since internet connection and web pages have become the essential components, Java bases them. Java is one such programming language that enables developers to develop web pages to access. Java development services are tools that allow one to create web application development.

Most companies gravitate towards using Java web development services. It’s used for building efficient and fast applications, and more so, works with any operating system.

What is Web Development?

In simpler terms, when we create a page or sum of a few pages digitally, popularly known as a website, it’s called web application development. Anyone with an internet connection will be able to view this.

Development of these pages is done and uploaded on the world wide web for people from any corner of the world to access this. It includes building simple applications and even complex featured applications.

It’s a mixture of interactive and non-interactive pages. Some websites are developed purely to state facts and information about something. They might be non-interactive. Whereas some pages upload reviews and opinions, on which people can comment feedback. Some pages are made to sell a digital or tangible product. These pages are also considered to be interactive. But given the times, pages need to be compelling to be able to produce user-friendly results.

To produce compelling results, web developers need to use programming languages, which allow them to customize and create their versions, adding their ideas into it.

Programmers should outline what they need from their system before writing the code for it. This will make their job much more clearer. They will be attentive and aware of what applications and Java APIs require. It is equally vital for you to have a strategy before hiring java developers for your project.

What are the benefits of Java web development services?

Java is one of those programming languages used to develop dynamic web applications. It is not unknown that it holds more than 14% of the market as most of the renowned companies use Java web development services for themselves. It is not the only programming language but one of the most preferred ones. Java is considered one of the best programming languages for web development.

As it is one of the well-established and popular programming languages, its resources are readily available.

One of the unique features of this Java is that its codes can run on any operating system, be it Microsoft Windows or macOS. It is designed to be object-oriented and is a cross-platform programming language. Hire java developers, and they will tell you that building a website using this language is the best decision. Java codes work on any device, mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, without causing issues.

It is also highly chosen as no extra work is needed to make it available for different devices. You can create the codes once and then copy and paste them everywhere else.

Java web development services offer an extensive standard library, helping the web developers with minor and major tasks such as input, output, networking, graphic user interfaces, etc.

Best memory management: One of the imperative parts of Java programming is its memory management. It provides this feature with the help of the garbage collector. 

  • Usage of this feature by the programmers eliminates unnecessary monitoring. When objects in the program are no longer being used, they are automatically deleted from the memory. 
  • The entire process goes on faster as there is no need to keep track of details inserted in the application. 

Cross-platform support: This is best for people who want to develop applications for multiple operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows and Linux. It works perfectly on any of them. 

  • There is no extra work of transferring your code to different platforms; Java does that independently. 
  • The programmers need to write the code once, copy it, and use it for any other platform. The reason why it is considered to be the best one as it works efficiently for different operating systems. 

Use of Multithread yields high performance: You can develop both single-threaded and multi-threaded applications using Java

  • When developers write the program using the single-threaded feature, users are restricted to exercise only one task at a time. This kind of application is plodding and gets the users very impatient. This may result in uninstalling the application. 
  • This then becomes the reason for programmers to use multi-threaded programs. The tasks are segregated into different threads that work parallelly, increasing the interface’s speed.

Java technologies used in Web applications development


  • Java Servlet API – It is essentially an API (Application Programming Interface) and one of the main approaches in developing a Java web application. It gives developers control over their ideas in creating Java web applications. However, it does not have its application to run as HTML, so it runs on the server-side. The primary use of it is to expand the capabilities of a server. Many applications are created using this technology.
  • JSP (JavaServer Pages):  This technology is used by developers to create content fast and hassle-free, and platform-independent. This serves the same purpose as CGI (Common Gateway Interface). It is widely used to create dynamic server-side content with access to the whole group of Java APIs.
  • JavaServer Faces Technology: It is created to be used by developers for creating server-side user interfaces. The establishment of JavaServer API was done to gather all the tools in one and make application development easier. The primary goal of this API is to be flexible and easily leverage the standard UI and web-tier concepts. This was also formed so developers don’t get restricted by any markup language or client device.
  • Java Message Service API: Java Message Service API is a programming interface created so that application units established on the Java Platform Enterprise Edition can send, create, receive and read messages. In other terms, it is a messaging medium for software systems.
    • Java Persistence API: It is a medium for the application to continue and retrieve information from a stable storage system. Company applications must access the necessary database. These are a set of specifications that tell you which of the Java applications should be persisted and which one should not.
  • XML Processing by Java API: It is an application interface that can access, examine and analyze XML documents. Later, the documents can also be modified.
  • JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library: A tag library is necessary to provide the basic functionalities and actions behind every page. It encloses as simple tags the core purpose common to various applications.
    Classification of JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library Tags:
    • Core tags 
    • Formatting tags 
    • SQL tags 
    • XML tags 
    • JSTL functions
  • Java Naming and directory interface: It is a Java API for the directory service that allows people to look and search through the database with a name. This interface can be used for binding objects, looking up or querying objects, and detecting changes on the same objects.
  •  JavaMail API and the JavaBeans Activation Framework: It is a must to have JavaMail API and Java Activation Framework installed in your machine to send an email using the Java application.


Web development is creating a set of content digitally. This can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection from any corner of the world. This includes creating simple to complex applications. It allows web developers to use programming language and create customizable and dynamic content and services.

One such programming language is called Java. From Amazon to Netflix, from Spotify to Linkedin, many top companies have chosen Java development services in their respective niches.

Java is a programming language designed to create content for the world wide web and is an object-oriented language. It uses similar syntax as used by C++.

There are many applications used in the Java web development services. We can safely say that millions of websites have selected Java as their application development medium.


It is an application program curated on a remote server. It is accessible from the software, defines web pages.

Java web technologies and frameworks are web-based software libraries that form the user interface of Java web applications. These application frameworks are used for defining web pages and operating HTTP requests generated by those web pages. 

  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Bots
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Single Page Application (SPA)
  • Voice Search Optimization
  • Motion UI
  • Automation Testing
  • JavaScript Frameworks
  • Serverless Applications and Architecture
The Sun Java Studio Enterprise IDE is an accumulation of reliable tools that have a framework for faster web application development. It provides advanced debugging and backbone for web services. 

J2SE (Java Platform, Standard Edition), also known as Core Java, is Java’s most popular version. It’s the most raw version of Java, a standard foundation for all other editions. J2SE is usually employed to build web applications for the Desktop environment.

It is the most used programming language as it works with all the operating systems. Java development services give the liberty to the web developers to create the code just once. This code can then be used on any platform. It eliminates the hassle of creating different codes for other platforms. 

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